Ecological Models and Data in R
  • miscellaneous thoughts (a pseudo-blog/catch-all space)
  • errata (not too many I hope)
  • answers to frequently asked questions
  • clarifications or extensions of discussions in the book, etc.. I am starting out by posting (in the chapters section) (1) notes that I took as I went through the proofs about things I wished I'd said but didn't have room for or couldn't change (2) points that people have made in e-mail since then.
  • Courses around the world offered on these topics
  • Worked examples of various sorts
  • To do list: things I intend to get around to
  • EMD in R in the Princeton University Press catalog
  • EMD in R on
  • Reviews1
    • Robert Gramacy in The American Statistician, August 2009, Vol. 63, No. 3 281 doi:10.1198/tast.2009.br633 (PDF)
    • Rachel Fewster in Biometrics 65, 660–673 June 2009 doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2009.01247_11.x (PDF)
    • Daniel Bunker in Ecology, 90(8), 2009, pp. 2333–2334 (PDF)
    • Carsten Dormann in Basic and Applied Ecology 10 (2009) 487, doi:10.1016/j.baae.2009.01.001 (PDF)
    • Matthew Aiello-Lammens in Quarterly Review of Biology, 84, 288 (2009), doi:10.1086/644667 (PDF)
    • Pavle Mladenović in MathSciNet reviews
    • B. Hanowell's Evolutionary Modeling Survival Kit blog entry says:

Get this book or something remotely like it and nerd out despite your [partner]'s protests (besides, you know [they] think deep down in [their] heart that Bayesian inference is sexy!).

C’est LE LIVRE qu’il faut avoir quand on fait de la modélisation en écologie et qu’on utilise R. Idéal pour ceux qui veulent s’initier à la modélisation et à l’inférence statistique avec R et Winbugs. N’hésitez pas à consulter le site internet de Benjamin Bolker qui met beaucoup de choses à disposition de qui veut bien (même une version presque complète de son livre en pdf…)

Happy modeling!

Ben Bolker

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